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Orientation Course in line with NEP 2020

• Orientation Course (s) for in-service teachers
• Orientation Course (s) for teacher educators
The Orientation Course is organized for in-service Middle/Secondary/Senior Secondary School teachers and Teacher Educators (referred as teachers henceforth) from all parts of the country. It is approximately of three weeks duration and consists of a variety of programmes such as lectures, lecture-demonstrations, practical classes and educational tours to places of natural and cultural interest. The Training Programme introduces the participating teachers to the rich fabric of our artistic and cultural heritage. It is designed to give the teachers an idea of the variety of creative expressions in India and how the school children can be exposed to the beauty in nature and art. Members of the community and specially the younger generation need to understand the cultural heritage and the variety of geo-physical features and racial, religious, linguistic groups that have contributed to the aesthetic quality and richness of our culture. It is this awareness that fosters love for all mankind and helps in producing better citizens.

Aims of the Orientation Course

  1. Create an awareness of the fundamental principles underlying the development of Indian culture in order to foster a spirit of national integration;
  2. Provide an opportunity to formulate methodologies in which aspects of Indian culture and creative activities constitute an integral part of the process of learning and teaching;
  3. Provide teachers an occasion to interact with scholars and artists in order to devise ways of making education a total experience;
  4. Provide skills and training in creative activities in order to improve class-room teaching techniques and,
  5. Provide an opportunity to the participants, teaching different disciplines from all parts of the country to work together.

The Orientation Course comprises of the following six major components:

  1. Theoretical Study of Art and Culture
  2. Practical Training in Art and Culture
    • Learning of skills in traditional crafts
    • Practical training in learning of songs in National languages
    • Enhancing communication skills through movement and mime
  3. Preparation of educational aids for cultural education and to support classroom teaching
  4. Educational tours to museums, monuments, art galleries and nature parks
  5. Evaluation(s)
  6. Other Educational Activities

  1. Brief of Orientation Course (Download)
  2. Guidelines of Orientation Course (Download)
  3. Application Form (Download)
  4. Trained Teacher’s Assessment/Grading Card (Download)
  5. Evaluation Performa – Half yearly Report OC (Download)