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Training Programmes

Training is one of the key methods in enabling CCRT to fulfil its objectives. In order to execute its objectives and enlarge the scope of its work in the field of education, CCRT conducts a variety of in-service school teachers training programmes throughout the year, which are held in different parts of the country. The emphasis of the training programmes organized for in-service school teachers, Heads of institutions and teacher educators is on devising methodologies for the development of child’s personality particularly in terms of helping the child to discover his/her hidden talent and to express it creatively. The thrust is on building up a pervasive consciousness of the Indian Cultural Heritage through the utilization of local material and community interaction and also by involving students in conservation of the natural and cultural heritage.

Each art is unique and essential in the curriculum because of the particular avenues of perception that it develops. Heightened perception provides a stimulus for imagination and creativity. It also has an impact on all learning creative activities to inculcate aesthetic sensibility and values incorporated in the programmes. To develop aesthetic values, the participants study the sensory, intellectual, emotional and philosophic bases for understanding the artistic manifestations and cultural traditions.

Over the years, CCRT has conducted action research and worked out methodologies for providing cultural components in teaching, learning processes, to create an integrated approach to education using a cultural base to understand the various school disciplines.

Deputation in CCRT Training Programmes:
Teachers are fundamentally deputed in CCRT training programmes through a structured process. CCRT collaborates with State Education Departments/DIETs/DEOs and other Govt. bodies for selection and deputation of teachers. This selection process may involve recommendations from school authorities, district authorities etc.
Teachers can also apply through Application Forms duly signed and forwarded by Relieving Authority i.e. Principal/Headmaster and D.E.O./Inspector of School/ Director of Education/ Concerned Officer.

Process of Deputation

State/UT Education Departments    Application Forms
Stage – I

Annual National Letter is sent to Secretary Education, Directorates of Education and SCERTs

Stage – I

Individual Teacher can apply through application forms of the respective training programme from the CCRT’s website

Link of Application Forms

Stage – II

Quarterly Deputation Letter to Directorates of Education, SCERTs and CCRT Nodal Officers


Completely fill it and get it duly signed and forwarded by the Relieving Authority.

Stage – III

Confirmation mail with respect to Deputation received


Sent it through post or e-mail.

Stage – IV

Provisional List of Deputed teachers is uploaded on CCRT’s website.

Stage- IV

Application form is checked and then Selection letter is sent to DEO, Principal and that individual teacher.

Stage- V

Acceptance Form is sent by applicant confirming their participation.