The CCRT collects material on the arts and crafts of the country in the form of audio recordings, slides, photographs, films and written texts in order to enrich the content of the Educational Kit and provide teacher trainees and other research students educational material on the arts of India.
The areas to be documented by CCRT are chosen with a view to create an interest among students in the culture of various regions of the country and develop a sense of appreciation for the diversity and continuity of cultural traditions.
The CCRT has been preparing a variety of materials on Cultural Education in the form of audio visuals and printed material. The material is given to schools from where teachers have been trained to use these in a variety of teaching and learning situations in the school for curriculum teaching and extension work. Besides this, the material is now available on sale also at CCRT head office and its Regional Centres.
The Educational Kit consisting of audio-visual materials and publications of CCRT is provided to the institutions from where the teachers have been trained. The Kit is issued after evaluating the performance of the participating teacher(s) specifically in two training programmes i.e. Orientation Course and the Workshop on Puppetry in Education. The institutions which are provided with an Educational Kit by CCRT are duly instructed to send regular half-yearly reports on the use of the material of the Kit in their classrooms, in other institutions and for the community.