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Integrating Craft Skills in School Education

Integrating Craft Skills in School Education (ICSSE)

Education at all stages has been regarded as a powerful instrument for social transformation. The major task of education in India today is to usher in a democratic, socialistic secular society which removes prejudices among people. The objectives of introducing ‘Integrating Craft Skills in School Education’ (ICSSE) in the schools is to help in the realization of these goals. Therefore, not only does it form an integral part of the school curriculum, but has its ramifications into other subjects of the school curriculum.

The new National Education Policy 2020 states that the basic emphasis in interlinking education and culture should be on helping a child to discover his latent talent and to express it creatively. This can be achieved through a participative process, using their immediate environment giving special emphasis to curriculum reorientation and motivating teachers to interact with the students at different levels. Students should be learning joyfully and exploring the world with uninhibited curiosity and sense of adventure.

Handicrafts in this country are an important part of our rich cultural heritage, which serve to satisfy the aesthetic needs of human beings and provide a vehicle for their urge for self-expression. The real significance of handicrafts lies in the newness and utility of each object.

Today we are losing not only an ancient heritage but an essential element in our social composition which has been a strong cementing force. ICSSE in schools gives an opportunity to revive and keep alive the rich heritage and cultural traditions of our country and encourages creativity among students. During the Workshop on ICSSE, the teachers get intensive training in 3 to 4 crafts. The crafts generally taught are Pottery, Clay Modelling, Papier Mache, Mask Making, Tie & Dye, Rangoli, Wall decoration, Cane Work, Bamboo Work, Book Binding, Paper Toys, etc. Classes for Songs in Indian Languages are also conducted to inculcate a spirit of communal harmony and a sense of respect for all the languages. Lecture-demonstrations and slide-shows are arranged on a variety of topics related to Indian Handicrafts and Culture and sessions on use of CCRT’s educational material for creative activities in curriculum teaching are also organised.

Aims of the Workshop

• To revive an interest in Indian Crafts and study their relevance to contemporary life.

• To help teachers to value and recognize the importance of local craft resources.

• To guide teachers to formulate a syllabus for teaching crafts/ ICSSE, in schools with the awareness created during the Workshops.

• To learn about the lifestyles of craftsperson and recognise their contribution in society.

• To instil in teachers, the importance of value and moral education, and to suggest projects that can be taken up while working for the welfare of the community.

• To inculcate the value of dignity of labour.

• To develop an aesthetic sensibility pertinent to Indian culture

  1. Brief of  Workshop on Integrating Craft Skills in School Education (Download)
  2. Guidelines of Workshop on Integrating Craft Skills in School Education (Download)
  3. Application Form (Download)