Page 29 - CCRT-Annual-Report-2011-12
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Progress in the use of Hindi in the CCRT
In implementing the Official Language Policy, CCRT has taken specific steps to acheive the targets. Most of the publication
work in the CCRT is done bilingually.
All correspondence related to Training, Evaluation, Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme, Accounts, Publications and AnnuAl RepoRt 2011-12
Production Units are done bilingually. All the proforma, notes, reports, guide-books and educational material are bilingual.
The CCRT celebrated ‘Hindi Pakhwada’ from September 14 to 28, 2011. Competitive progarmmes on various themes were
organized for the staff. The winners were given prizes and certificates. During this period ‘Hindi Pakhwada’ was also organized
in Regional Centres at Udaipur, Hyderabad and Guwahati.
During the year 5 Workshops on Rajbhasha were organized by the Centre, out of which 2 Workshops were organized in the
Head office, Delhi and 3 Workshops were organized in its Regional Centre i.e. one each at Udaipur, Hyderabad and Guwahati.
In these Workshops 96 officials participated from various neighboring offices including CCRT staff.
The Centre has prepared a small booklet related to the “Official Language Policy of the Union”. 1500 copies of the booklet
were distributed to the Hindi personnel engaged in the service of Rajbhasha and Education Officers of the different states of
the country. In addition to this, a lecture on Official language of the Union is also conducted for teachers/teacher educators
coming to the Centre for training from all parts of the country. Four meetings of Rajbhasha Committee were held on June 27,
September 29, December 22, 2011 and March 28, 2012 respectively.
The 33 meeting of the Society, CCRT was held on July 16, 2011 at New Delhi.
The 34 meeting of the Society, CCRT was held on November 25, 2011 at New Delhi.
The 49 meeting of the Executive Committee, CCRT was held on February 14, 2012 at Hyderabad.
The 38 meeting of the Finance Committee, CCRT was held on July 28, 2011 at New Delhi.
The meeting of the Purchase Committee, CCRT was held on June 29, 2011 at New Delhi.
Members of Executive Committee
1. Shri P.C. Sen 4. Dr. V. Venu
Chairman, CCRT Joint Secretary (from ................)
(upto February 24, 2012) Ministry of Culture
Flat No.81, Tower 15-A Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi
ATS Green Village, Expressway
Sector-93-A, NOIDA 6. Shri Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee
B-1002, Rushim Tower
2. Vice Chairman Satellite Road
CCRT (vacant) Ahmedabad
3. Ms. Dipali Khanna
Additional Secretary & 7. Shri A.R. Ramanathan
Financial Adviser 51, Nilgiri Apartments
I.F. Division Alakananda
Ministry of Culture New Delhi
Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi
8. Shri Surendra Kaul
4. Shri Sanjiv Mittal Director General, Member Secretary
Joint Secretary (upto................) (upto January 31, 2012)
Ministry of Culture
Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi