Page 33 - CCRT-Annual-Report-2011-12
P. 33

Statewise break-up of scholarships awarded under Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme
              from 1982-83 to 2010-2011 and during 2011-2012

                                             1982-83 to             2011-2012                 Total
               Andhra Pradesh                        493                     29                    522
               Arunachal Pradesh                     51                       5                     56              AnnuAl RepoRt 2011-12
               Assam                                 869                     55                    924
               Bihar                                 170                      4                    174

               Chhattisgarh*                         59                       7                     66
               Goa                                   48                       4                     52
               Gujarat                               197                      9                    206

               Haryana                               97                       5                    102
               Himachal Pradesh                      35                       1                     36
               Jammu & Kashmir                       106                     15                    121
               Jharkhand*                            48                       8                     56
               Karnataka                             621                     34                    655

               Kerala                                855                     25                    880
               Madhya Pradesh                        315                     19                    334
               Maharashtra                           863                     41                    904

               Manipur                               305                      7                    312
               Meghalaya                             58                       5                     63
               Mizoram                               18                       3                     21
               Nagaland                              37                       6                     43
               Odisha                                639                     39                    678

               Punjab                                92                       2                     94
               Rajasthan                             260                     11                    271
               Sikkim                                20                      10                     30

               Tamil Nadu                            534                     20                    554
               Tripura                               343                     34                    377
               Uttarakhand*                          35                       4                     39
               Uttar Pradesh                         280                     13                    293
               West Bengal                           708                     42                    750

               A & N Island                          34                       2                     36
               Chandigarh                            64                       0                     64
               Delhi                                 747                     34                    781

               Dadra & Nagar Haveli                   3                       2                      5
               Daman & Diu                            0                       1                      1
               Lakshadweep                            3                       0                      3
               Puducherry                            86                       4                     90
               Total                               9093                     500                   9593

          * Number of Scholarships given after these states came into existence.
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35