Page 25 - CCRT-Annual-Report-2011-12
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The CCRT publications aim at providing an understanding and appreciation of different aspects of Indian art and culture. They
also highlight the influence of nature on artistic expression so as to develop an understanding of the impact of environment on
cultural manifestations. On successful participation in the training programmes, the participants are issued these publications
for use in their institutions, nearby schools and public at large.
Due to ever growing demand of the cultural packages from the teachers all over India, the following cultural packages were AnnuAl RepoRt 2011-12
reprinted during the period from April, 2011 to March, 2012.
• Annual Report (2010-2011) • Architecture of Delhi
• Cultural History - Part 1, 2 and 3 • Forts of Maharashtra
• World Cultural Heritage Sites - Part 1, 2, 3 and 4 • Expressions in Lines
• Fatehpur Sikri - Part 1 and 2 • Kuchipudi Dance
• Forts and Palaces of Madhya Pradesh • Manipuri Dance
• Traditional Toys • Sattriya Dance
• Children Story Books • Kathak Dance
• Odissi Dance • Bharatnatyam Dance
• National Symbols • Purulia Chhau Dance
Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme
The Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme aims at providing facilities to outstanding young children to develop their talents
in various artistic fields. Children in the age group of 10 to 14 years studying either in recognized schools or belonging to
families practicing traditional art forms, are selected for the scholarship.
The scholarship awarded under the Scheme is initially for two years and is renewable after every two years till the completion of
the first University degree stage of education or upto the age of 20 years whichever is earlier subject to the awardee maintaining
satisfactory progress.
The CCRT provides 500 new scholarships every year. The Centre makes efforts to ensure that all the States have a minimum of 05
scholarships each and Union territories at least 03, every year. Minimum number of 10 scholarships are reserved for the children
belonging to Jammu and Kashmir. Special emphasis is given to arts and crafts which are on the verge of extinction. 25% of the
scholarships are reserved for the children of families practicing traditional art forms. In addition to the 500 new scholarships
awarded, 20 scholarships are being reserved for specially challenged children every year.
500 new scholarships were offered during the year 2011-12 on the basis of interviews/tests conducted by the Committees
consisting of eminent artists, scholars and educators in various parts of the country.
Statewise break-up of Scholarships awarded under CTSSS 2011-12
50 Maharashtra West Bengal
Andhra Pradesh Tripura Delhi
40 Karnataka Odisha
30 Jammu & Kashmir Kerala Madhya Pradesh Tamil Nadu
20 Uttar Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh Chhattisgarh Gujarat Jharkhand Manipur Rajasthan Sikkim
10 Bihar Goa Haryana Himachal Pradesh Meghalaya Mizoram |Nagaland Uttarakhand A & N Island D & N Haveli Daman & Diu Puducherry
0 Punjab
29 555 4749 51 15 8342519417 53 6 39 2111020344 13 42 234 2 1 4