Page 20 - CCRT-Annual-Report-2011-12
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This scheme basically supports training in forms of dance, music, theatre, sculpture and visual arts in schools of remote areas of
          the country. The scheme provides Rs. 5000/- as  financial assistance to the school to run the CCRT’s Cultural Club.
      AnnuAl RepoRt 2011-12  Clubs are operative in 26 states/UTs in different schools.
          During 2011-12, 144 new Cultural Clubs were opened in addition to the existing 61 Cultural Clubs. At present, 205 Cultural


          The CCRT stressing the continuing need to train personnel in all areas of cultural and educational development and advocating
          the existence of culturally well trained personnel for encouraging the participation of the people at large in cultural sphere,
          organises Seminars on ‘Cultural Education in Schools’. The participants of the Seminars are mainly District Education Officers/
          Principals and Headmasters, whose teachers participate in CCRT’s programmes and other administrators dealing with education
          in the States.

          Aims of the Seminars
            •   To get feedback regarding implementation of the training in the school
            •   Provide participants with an understanding of  CCRT’s aims and objectives
            •   Discuss and develop methodologies for implementation of  CCRT  programmes
            •   Involve Administrators at the State level in the process of improving school education
            •   Create an awareness of the importance of cultural education for all round development of the student’s personality
            •   Create an  understanding of  the need for cultural education
          During the year 2011-12, the CCRT organized two Seminars for 30 Educational Administrators each at Udaipur from
          October 13 to 14, 2011 and January 20 to 23, 2012.
          Seminars for American Educators and Administrators

          The CCRT in collaboration with the United States India Education Foundation (USIEF) organised a Seminar on  “India : An
          Ancient Civilization, A Modern Nation” at New Delhi from July 1 to August 5, 2011 in which 16 US educators participated.

                        Statewise participation of Principals/DEO’s/Teachers in Seminars 1979-2012

                          500                         Karnataka            Tamil  Nadu
                                  Andhra Pradesh          Maharashtra

                          400                                        Odisha  Rajasthan   Delhi


                                             Gujarat      Madhya Pradesh
                          200                    Himachal Pradesh                Uttar Pradesh
                                    Arunachal Pradesh  Chhattisgarh  Goa  Jharkhand  Manipur  Meghalaya  Nagaland  Punjab  Tripura  Uttarakhand  A & N Island  Chandigarh  Lakshadweep  Puducherry
                          100         Assam  Bihar  Haryana  Jammu & Kashmir       West Bengal

                            0                                    Mizoram  Sikkim
                                  364  14  66  116  7  65  190  59  89  29  3  422  281  142  433  45  27  4  18  355  51  342  10  443  21  7  145  60  3  16  362  1  16

          An Introduction to the Arts and Cultures of India

          The CCRT launched a Course “An Introduction to the Arts and Cultures of India” in collaboration with
          St. Stephens College,  Delhi University  for undergraduate students  from July  29, 2011 to  March 30,  2012.
          Eminent  scholars  and  educationists  such  as  Prof.  Ashok  Vajpayi.  Dr  Naman  Ahuja.  Prof.  B.N.  Goswamy,
          Prof. P.S. Dwivedi, Dr. Parul Pandya  Dhar, Dr. K.K. Muhammad, Dr. Sudha Gopalakrishnan etc. delivered lectures to foster
          an informed interest in the cultural heritage of India within the work of  liberal education. Topics covered included Buddhist
          art and culture in India, Hindu temples, Indo-Islamic arts, Indian painting traditions, Colonial art, Church architecture
          in India, Modern art in India, the after life of monuments, ritual and pilgrimage, the major traditions of Hindustani music,
          Indian dances, Theatre and Film Appreciation, major practitioners of arts in modern India and the Craft culture of India.
          45 students participated in these lectures and were awarded certificates after successful completion of the Course.

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