Page 17 - CCRT-Annual-Report-2011-12
P. 17

Statewise participation of Teachers in Workshops 1979-2012


                      6000                                                                                          AnnuAl RepoRt 2011-12
                               Andhra Pradesh
                      5000                          Karnataka          Rajasthan


                      3000                      Jammu & Kashmir  Kerala  Madhya Pradesh  Odisha  Tamil Nadu  Delhi
                                 Arunachal Pradesh  Chhattisgarh  Himachal Pradesh  Meghalaya  Uttarakhand  West Bengal
                      2000         Assam  Bihar  Gujarat    Manipur              Uttar Pradesh

                      1000               Goa  Haryana  Jharkhand  Mizoram  Nagaland  Punjab  Sikkim  Tripura  A & N Island  Chandigarh  D&N Haveli  Daman & Diu  Lakshadweep  Puducherry

                         0                                                              7
                               3643  563  1491  1671  981  892  1867  466  654  1158  237  4463  2681  1254  7121  1396  774  537  337  2638  735  4669  676  2807  298  595  1092  693  231  108  18  2035  115  450

          Short-term Workshops

          The CCRT, in order to broaden its base at the grass root level and aiming larger number of training teachers, introduced Direct
          Teacher Trainers Schemes. Under the scheme, previously trained teachers of the CCRT, doing good work in their areas, are
          further trained and are made responsible for organizing Short-term Workshops for the teachers at the district level. Short-term
          Workshops promote the development and nurturing of quality teacher.

          Education is both a tool for and a reflection of cultural diversity. Education should raise awareness of the positive value of
          cultural diversity and threats to it. The focus is on developing respect for one’s native culture, traditions and language, promote
          tolerance for other cultures and capacity for cross-cultural communication.

                      Statewise participation of Trainees of Short-term Workshops 2011-2012

                          800                                                Maharashtra
                          700                                     Karnataka
                                    Andhra Pradesh
                          600            Assam                          Madhya Pradesh

                          400                              Himachal Pradesh  Jammu & Kashmir
                                       Arunachal Pradesh  Bihar
                          300                         Gujarat        Kerala  Odisha          West Bengal

                          200                   Chhattisgarh  Haryana            Rajasthan   Tamil Nadu  Uttar Pradesh
                          100                     Goa                                  Uttarakhand

                                   410  120  454  164  40  89  249  47  38  220  571  120  490  878  243  165  163  41  45  210

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