Page 13 - CCRT-Annual-Report-2017-18
P. 13

The Orientation Course comprises the following six major components:

              AnnuAl RepoRt 2017-18  (iii)  Preparation of educational aids for cultural education and to support classroom  teaching
                     (i)  Theoretical Study of Art and Culture
                     (ii)  Practical Training in Art and Culture
                         •  Learning of skills in traditional crafts
                         •  Practical training in learning of songs in National languages
                         •  Enhancing communication skills through movement and mime

                     (iv)  Educational tours to museums, monuments, art galleries and nature parks
                     (v)  Evaluation(s)
                     (vi)  Other Educational Activities

                         Sl. No.                  Duration                          Venue               No. of
                       1.         April 05 to 25, 2017                      New Delhi                     49
                       2.         April 19 to May 08, 2017                  Udaipur, Rajasthan            50
                       3.         May 04 to 24, 2017                        Hyderabad, Telangana          38
                       4.         May 17 to June 06, 2017                   Guwahati, Assam               77
                       5.         June 01 to 21, 2017                       New Delhi                     66
                       6.         June 12 to 24, 2017                       Hyderabad, Telangana          32
                       7.         June 19 to July 08, 2017                  Udaipur, Rajasthan            81
                       8.         July 11 to 29, 2017                       New Delhi                    116
                       9.         August 01 to 12, 2017                     New Delhi                     44
                       10.        August 21 to September 09, 2017           New Delhi                     29
                       11.        September 04 to 23, 2017                  Guwahati, Assam               17
                       12.        September 07-27, 2017                     Udaipur, Rajasthan            56
                       13.        October 24 to  November 11, 2017          New Delhi                     82
                       14.        Novemebr 01 to 21, 2017                   Hyderabad, Telangana          57
                       15.        November 20 to December 01, 2017          New Delhi                     36
                       16         December 04 to 23, 2017                   Guwahati, Assam               69
                       17         December 22, 2017 to January 11, 2018     New Delhi                     44
                       18.        January 10 to 31, 2018                    New Delhi                     75
                       19.        January 19 to February 09, 2018           Hyderabad, Telangana          52
                       20.        January 22 to February 10, 2018           Udaipur, Rajasthan            81
                       21.  Statewise participation of Teachers/Teacher Educators in Orientation Course(s) 2015-16 94
                                  Ferbruary 05 to 24, 2018
                                                                            New Delhi
                                                                                              Total     1245
                         Statewise participation of Teachers/Teacher Educators in Orientation Course(s) 2017-2018

                                                                                      Sikkim               Puducherry

                                   35  04  10  40  5  65  43  39  134  19  147  15  9  190  2  1  13  11  34  2  241  12  21  116  33  1  1  2

                 12 12
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18