Page 54 - CCRT-Annual-Report-2018-19
P. 54

Evaluation and Feedback
       AnnuAl RepoRt 2014-15  teachers from all parts of the country both in the rural and urban areas. Evaluation is an essential component of each training

          Evaluation is a process of assessing, measuring the effectiveness of the training programmes. The CCRT has been training school

          programme organised by the CCRT. In every training programme, two to four evaluation sessions are conducted. The participants
          are given structured questionnaires so that they may express their views on different aspects of the course content. Various
          techniques of formal and informal evaluations are applied to assess the knowledge during the training programmes.

          The CCRT trains approximately 1700 in-service teachers in the various “Orientation Courses” and Workshops on “Role of
          Puppetry in Education” organised from time to time in a year.  A feedback programme has been designed to maintain regular
          contact with trainees to study their follow-up work in schools and to evaluate the effectiveness of the programmes conducted
          and use of educational material provided. The evaluations and suggestions from trainees working in the schools assist the CCRT
          in revitalising and enriching its activities.

          Extension Services and Community Feedback Programme

          The CCRT believes in the fundamental value of enabling all children, young people and the community at large to experience
          and access a diverse range of creative and cultural activities because this

          •      brings intrinsic pleasure and benefits;
          •      raises their aspirations;
          •      improves their academic achievements and skills;
          •      unlocks their imaginations, and
          •      brings about lasting improvements in the quality of their lives.

          The CCRT organises a variety of educational activities for school students and children studying in non-formal schools run by
          voluntary organizations under its Extension Services and Community Feedback Programme.  The activities include:

          •      Educational tours to
          •      Monuments      •      Art Galleries        •       Craft Centres
          •      Museums        •      Zoological Parks/Gardens  •   Theme based special exhibitions
          •      Workshops on learning crafts using low cost locally available resources;
          •      Camps on Conservation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage;
          •      Lectures and demonstrations by artists and experts on various art forms;
          •      Demonstrations by artists and craft persons in schools and colleges;
          •      Slide-presentation supplementing class-room teaching;
          •      Workshops for children in resettlement and basti colonies;
          •      Workshops for specially challenged students;
          •       Workshops on Puppetry in Education.

          A summer Workshop on “Creating an Awareness of Art and Culture’ was organized in the premises of the CCRT at New Delhi
          and Regional Centre Hyderabad from May 18-28, 2014.
          Total 173 children participated at the CCRT Headquarter, New Delhi. Some of the creative activities such as Classical &
          Folk Dances, Contemporary Dance, Theatre in Education, Learning Songs in Indian Languages, Creative Writing, Calligraphy,
          aesthetics in Photography and Crafts like Tie and Dye, Book Binding, Mask Making, Waste Material, Wooden Toys, Macrame,
          Sanjhi Painting, Doll Making and Pappier Machie, Beeds Work, Paper Craft, Rangoli, Pottery, Sikki Grass, Solapith, Phad Painting,
          Bead Work etc. were taught during the Workshop.
          Total 76 children participated at CCRT Regional Centre Hyderabad. Some of the Creative activities such as Classical & Folk
          Dances, Theatre, Mime & Movement, Creative Puppetry and Crafts like Tie and Dye, Kalamkri, Nirmal Painting, Pottery etc. were
          taught during the workshop.

           During the year 2014-15 in the Extension Services and Community Feedback Programme a total number of 91884 students
          have been trained at CCRT New Delhi and its Regional Centres i.e. Guwahati, Hyderabad and Udaipur respectively.

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