Page 52 - CCRT-Annual-Report-2018-19
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their mission is to entertain. Through their songs, pauses, gestures, and postures, these nomadic mendicants spread the message
          of love and ecstasy to lands far and wide. On second day of the festival Mohan Veena Vadan was rendered by Pandit Vishwa
       AnnuAl RepoRt 2014-15  accompaniment-an ektara or a tambura in one hand and sometimes a kartal in another. It was recited by Dr. Teejan Bai, Padma
          Mohan Bhatt, creator of the Mohan Veena and the winner of the Grammy Award. Pandavani, a traditional performing art form
          belonging to Chhattisgarh revolves around tales from the Mahabharata and involves  enacting and singing with instrumental

          Shri and Padma Bhushan awardee. The programmes received tremendous applause from the audience.

          National Institute of Cultural and Heritage Management (NICHM)
          The need for innovative cultural management within the cultural sector as well as conversations around cultural policy, the cre-
          ative industries and their possible role in the cultural regeneration of cities amongst other things has become crucially important
          in India today.

          Under Centrally Sponsored New Plan Scheme, document of the Ministry of Culture for 12th Five Year Plan period, starting
          of National Institute of Culture and Heritage Management (NICHM) had been recognised. The Ministry of Culture took this
          initiative by assigning CCRT the task of carrying out this Project/Scheme by making it the Nodel Agency for implementation.
          •  The Centre introduced a Short Course on Fundamentals in Arts Management” in collaboration with ARThink South Asia
              (ATSA) from November 11 to 15, 2014. The Course covered fundamental aspects of Arts Management: Strategic Planning,
              Marketing and Fund Raising, Human Resources and Financial Planning. 18 candidates in leading positions from various
              cultural organisations across the country participated. This Course inspired the participants to rejuvenate, redefine and
              upskill themselves to plan and augment their managerial and leadership roles in an arts/ cultural organization.
          •  A training programme entitled “Management of Cultural Resources: Trends and Nascent Developments” for the Librarians/
              Library Professional was organised at CCRT headquarters, New Delhi from January 20 to 25, 2015 in which 46 Librarians/
              Library Professionals participated.

          •  The CCRT in collaboration with Centre for Heritage Management, Ahmedabad University organised a training programme
              tilted “Arts, Culture and Heritage: A Management Perspective” at IIM Ahmedabad from January 26 to 31, 2015. The
              Programme was attended by 33 cultural administrators representing various institutions of the country.

          Cultural Heritage Youth Leadership Programme (CHYLP)

          The objective of the Scheme is to enrich the awareness of culture amongst youth, thereby promoting mutual understanding
          and respect, as also to develop a love for India’s rich heritage and with a view to developing appropriate leadership qualities
          amongst youth. The focus of the programme will be on the less privileged children residing in backward areas. Usage of
          vernacular languages for propagation is being made to the extent possible, for carrying out these activities.
          The Centre organized a Workshop on “Enriching Awareness in Creative Expressions” for school children from the state of
          Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand from February 03 to 05, 2015 at CCRT, New Delhi under Cultural Heritage Youth Leadership
          Programme (CHYLP). In this programme various activities like theme based lectures, Craft activities and educational visits to
          various places were conducted during the programme. In this workshop, total 80 students have been trained.

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