Page 89 - CCRT-Annual-Report-2017-18
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(Amount in - `)  Total  1,011,906  232,474,650  239,000  ----  ----  3,629,117  6,241,751  ----  243,596,424  58,956,401  187,308,711  ----  ----  6,178,371  252,443,483

                                    Previous Year  Plan  1,011,906  188,924,324  239,000  ----  ----  3,254,179  362,302  ----  193,791,711  49,604,464  147,926,484  ----  ----  5,732,627  203,263,575  Sd/-  (Girish Joshi)  Director

                          INCOME & EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2018


                                        Non Plan  ----  43,550,326  ----  ----  ----  374,938  5,879,449  ----  49,804,713  9,351,937  39,382,227  ----  ----  445,744  49,179,908

                                              753,285  259,343,099  210,000  1,186,619  5,432,611  266,925,614  99,389,813  167,769,006  5,438,632  272,597,451

                                        Total           ----  ----     ----                  ----  ----
                                    Current Year

                                        Revenue  753,285  259,343,099  210,000  ----  ----  1,186,619  5,432,611  ----  266,925,614  99,389,813  167,769,006  ----  ----  5,438,632  272,597,451

                                    Schedule  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19          20  21  22  23  8

                                              Income from Sales/Services  Fees/Subscriptions  Income from Investments (Income on Invest from earmarked/endow. funds transferred to funds)  Income from Royalty, Publication etc  Increase/(decrease) in stock of  Finished goods and works-in-progress   Establishment Expenses Other Administrative Expenses etc. Expenditure on Grants, Subsidies etc.  Sd/-  (Rajesh Bhatnagar)   Accounts Officer

                                           INCOME  Grants/Subsidies  Interest Earned  Other Income  Total (A)  EXPENDITURE  Interest   Depreciation   Total (B)

   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94