Page 36 - CCRT-Annual-Report-2018-19
P. 36

AnnuAl RepoRt 2014-15  The CCRT, in order to broaden its base at the grass root level and aiming larger number of training teachers, introduced Direct
           Short-term Workshops

          Teacher Trainers Schemes. Under the scheme, previously trained teachers of the CCRT, doing good work in their areas, are
          further trained and are made responsible for organizing Short-term Workshops for the teachers at the district level. Short-term
          Workshops promote the development and nurturing of quality teachers.
          Education is both a tool for and a reflection of cultural diversity. Education should raise awareness of the positive value of
          cultural diversity and threats to it. The focus is on developing respect for one’s native culture, traditions and language, promote
          tolerance for other cultures and capacity for cross-cultural communication.

                    Statewise participation of Trainees of Short-term Workshops 2014-2015

                          Statewise participation of Trainees of Short-term Workshops 1979-2015

   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41