Page 54 - CCRT-Annual-Report-2013-14
P. 54
Collection of Resources
AnnuAl RepoRt 2013-14 films and written texts in order to enrich the content of the Educational Kit and provide educational material to
The CCRT collects material on the arts and crafts of the country in the form of audio recordings, slides, photographs,
teacher trainees and other research students on the arts of India.
The areas to be documented by CCRT are chosen with a view to create an interest among students in the culture
of various regions of the country and develop a sense of appreciation for the diversity and continuity of cultural
The main objectives of CCRT’s documentation team are:
• Field work and research in various aspects of Cultural Heritage Sites, Monuments and the Living Arts;
• Production of educational material on various aspects of Indian Culture:
• Educational Kit which includes audio-visual materials and written texts;
• Publications on Cultural Education.
• Setting up of an Archive of Cultural Resources for research scholars;
• Revival and preservation of rare art forms;
• Distribution of materials on Cultural Education to schools from where teachers have been trained.
The following Audio - Visual programmes were made during the year 2013-14 :
1. Documentation of film of Naga Songs titled "Songs of Blue Hills."
2. Video/Documentation of Folk Art Forms of Maharashtra.
3. Documentation of Virasat-Kamaladevi, a cultural festival.
4. Digitization of slide albums.
Still Photography documenation of the following was done :-
- Festivals
Christmas Day
Ganesh Chaturthi
Id festival
- Documentation of Karnataka Forts
- Documentation of women craft persons in the programme organized by IGNCA
- Documentation of Folk theatre-Bidesiya (Bihar), Maach (M.P.), Nautanki (U.P.) and Rammat (Rajasthan)